Should You Choose an Alkaline Drink Bottle to Quench Your Thirst?

In the pursuit of wellness, many have embraced alkaline mineral ionized water, touting over 40 scientifically proven health advantages. With a pH level typically around 8.0, an alkaline drink bottle contains elevated alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Ionized water, charged electrically, offers hydration benefits.

Nobel Prize-winning research unveiled alkaline water's superior hydrating capabilities due to aquaporins, tiny passages in cell walls. These channels respond to the water's pH, with negatively charged alkaline mineral water efficiently penetrating them, enhancing cellular hydration.


What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water has undergone electrolysis to achieve a higher pH value than standard tap water. For reference, standard drinking water typically averages a neutral pH level of 7, whereas alkaline water will be at or around 9.

Bottled varieties aside, alkaline water can also be found in nature. Water flows by or through rock formations, permitting it to pick up trace minerals. The idea is that drinking alkaline bottled water counteracts additional acidity in the body.


Minerals Present in Alkaline Water:

Alkaline water consists several minerals that underpin its wide range of health benefits. These minerals include:

  • Magnesium—contributes to more than 300 enzyme reactions in the body. It has a wide range of functions, which comprise of playing a role in nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation, and offering immune system support
  • Sodium—helps to keep body fluids in balance and plays a vital role in nerve and muscle function
  • Potassium—helps to regulate body fluid and muscle contractions and sends nerve signals. Low levels of potassium can cause the muscle spasms or cramps.
  • Calcium—famously helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth. It also helps in blood clotting, nerve and muscle function, and maintaining your regular pulse.


Benefits of Alkaline Water:

So, why should you drink a bottle of alkaline water? Well, alkaline water offers a wide variety of benefits to users. It is popularly believed that too many acidic substances in the body can lead to illnesses, and the way to counteract that is through the alkaline substances that can neutralize these acidic properties—in this case is alkaline water. Alkaline water, due to its negative ORP but has antioxidant properties, which also means it has major health benefits and is useful for helping to prevent a plethora of diseases.

Other benefits of alkaline water include:

  • Boosts Bone Health 
  • Calms Acid Reflux 
  • Regulates Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Cholesterol


Does Alkaline Water Change the Body's Natural pH Level?

Not really. Most of the time, your blood stream maintains a pH of 7; it falls right in the middle of the pH scale. What you consume only changes the pH of your urine. So when you drink alkaline water, you'll alter the pH of what's in your toilet bowl, not your blood. Additionally, when the alkaline water you drink reaches your stomach, the acids in your gut neutralizes it. So crucially, you're paying money to drink something that won't affect your body's acidity.

Bottled alkaline water has a regulated pH level (regulated by the FDA), which can neutralize acid in your bloodstream. When too much acid is produced in your body due to the intake of milk, meat, grains, and other acidic food items, alkaline water may help reduce acid and improve digestion.


Alkalinity vs. Acidity:

If something is alkaline, it will react with an acid. If something is acidic, it will respond with a base. Think of alkalinity and acidity as two opposite sides of the same coin: pH level. Acidity in water will make it taste sour and prove an overall unpleasant drinking experience. This is usually because of a surplus of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and carbon dioxide. Acidic water is highly corrosive. This isn't something you want to drink—which is why alkaline water and a push for balanced pH levels have risen.


What Makes Alkaline Water Different?

Alkaline water is different from regular tap water because it is processed for an increased pH level. Its elite hydration ability offers additional beneficial properties. Alkaline water has a distinct mellow taste, similar to that of regular tap water; people describe it as smooth and fresh.

Next time you're parched, remember that your choice of hydration isn't just about quenching thirst but also about making a mindful decision for your well-being and the planet's health.

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